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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2018


STOCK POT                         Stock pot is a generic name for one of the most common types of cooking pot used worldwide. A stock pot is traditionally used to make stock or broth, which can be the basis for cooking more complex recipes. It is a wide pot with a flat bottom, straight sides, a wide opening to the full diameter of the pot, two handles on the sides, and a lid with a handle on top.                     French Chef Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935) published "A Guide to Modern Cookery" in 1907. On the first page, Escoffier writes, "stocks are the keynote of culinary structure" in French cuisine. A stock or broth is made by simmering water for several hours, to continuously cook added foods such as pieces of meat, meat bones, fish or vegetables. The slow simmering...


Hello Guys,             I will tell you about my activities in the kitchen and this time it's a little different because there is a campus Job Fair that is held every year so that we are involved as the person responsible for the consumption later for guests and the organizing committee such as Morning Snack or Morning Break Coffee, Lunch Box, and Snack Afternoon or Afternoon Coffee Break so we divide up several groups to do a menu that will be made.              Of course in a meeting like as a meeting or seminar, you often hear the term 'Coffee Break'. Coffee Break itself is a term for short breaks for 10 to 20 minutes on weekdays, at a meeting, or gathering, which is a general time to enjoy a cup of coffee, or tea, or snacks.              This tradition can also be referred to as a tea break, or Afternoon Tea. Coffee...


Hello Guys,            Saya akan menceritakan aktivitas saya di dapur dan kali ini sedikit berbeda karena adanya acara Job Fair kampus yang setiap tahunnya dilaksakan sehingga kita dilibatkan sebagai penanggung jawab atas komsumsinya nantinya bagi tamu dan panitia pelaksana seperti Snack Pagi atau Coffee Break Pagi, Box Makan Siang, dan Snack Sore atau Coffee Break Sore sehingga kita membagi atas beberapa kelompok untuk melakukan menu yang akan di buat.            Tentunya di suatu pertemuan seperti rapat atau seminar, kamu sering mendengar istilah 'Coffee Break'. Coffee Break sendiri adalah istilah untuk istirahat singkat selama 10 hingga 20 menit di hari kerja, di suatu acara pertemuan, atau perkumpulan, yang merupakan waktu umum untuk menikmati secangkir kopi, atau teh, atau makanan kecil.              Tradisi ini juga dapat disebut sebag...


CORDON BLUE            A cordon bleu or schnitzel cordon bleu is a dish of meat wrapped around cheese (or with cheese filling), then breaded and pan-fried or deep-fried. Veal or pork cordon bleu is made of veal or pork pounded thin and wrapped around a slice of ham and a slice of cheese, breaded, and then pan fried or baked, For chicken cordon bleu chicken breast is used instead of veal. Ham cordon bleu is ham stuffed with mushrooms and cheese.            The French term cordon bleu is translated as "blue ribbon". According to Larousse Gastronomique cordon bleu "was originally a wide blue ribbon worn by members of the highest order of knighthood, L'Ordre des chevaliers du Saint-Esprit, instituted by Henri III of France in 1578. By extension, the term has since been applied to food prepared to a very high standard and to outstanding cooks. The analogy no doubt arose from the similar...


TILTING PAN                     Braising Pan or Tilting Pan, usually used for cooking in great quality like scrambled eggs, braised meats, soups, stews, pastas and more. You can even use Tilting Pan for a variety of cooking processes such as grilling, frying, simmering, braising, boiling and even frying in large quantities. Even some chefs use it to cook fried rice in large quantities.                     Tilting Pan is very popular in schools, hotels, hospitals and restaurants where the kitchen has a high cooking intensity and always cooks in very large quantities in a short time. Tilting pan, is a tool for frying, or making a large quantity of cooking in a large rectangular shape, with a heat source from gas or electricity. This tool is equipped with a lever to facilitate pouring...


Hello My Brother and Sister Lovely,           As I said in the previous post about Table Breakfast, today is a set up in the Campus Rector for Table Breakfast while waiting for the Opening Job Fair to be held in the Campus Hall. This time the Table Breakfast is prioritized for Guest Job Fair and Acting Committee and Guest Invitations at this event.              This Job Fair is held annually by the Campus to open new jobs and establish cooperation between Hotels and campuses. In general, the Job Fair is open to the public and for free also provides alumnus Tourism Polytechnic Makassar to work in Hospitality and Travel.              A job fair, also referred commonly as a career fair or career expo, is an event in which employers, recruiters, and schools give information to potential employees. Job seekers attend these while trying ...


Hello My Brother and Sister Lovely,           Seperti yang saya bilang di postingan sebelumnya tentang Table Breakfast, hari ini adalah set up di Rektorat Kampus untuk Table Breakfast sambil menunggu Opening Job Fair dilakukan di Aula Kampus. Kali ini Table Breakfast ini diperioritaskan untuk Tamu Job Fair dan Panitia Pelakasana serta Tamu Undangan dalam acara ini.             Job Fair ini setiap tahun dilaksanakan oleh Kampus untuk membuka lapangan kerja baru dan menjalin kerja sama antara Hotel dan kampus, pada umumnya Job Fair ini dibuka untuk umum dan gratis juga memberikan kepada alumni - alumni Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar untuk bekerja di bidang Perhotelan dan Perjalanan.           Job Fair (Bursa Kerja, atau Bursa Karier), adalah bursa atau pameran bagi para majikan, perekrut, dan sekolah untuk bertemu dengan para pencari ker...


BRUSH PASTRY                       A pastry brush, also known as a basting brush, is a cooking utensil used to spread butter, oil or glaze on food. Traditional pastry brushes are made with natural bristles or a plastic or nylon fiber similar to a paint brush, while modern kitchen brushes may have silicone bristles. In bakingbreads and pastries, a pastry brush is used to spread a glaze or egg wash on the crust or surface of the food. In roasting meats, a pastry brush may be used to sop up juices or drippings from under pan and spread them on the surface of the meat to crisp the skin, And has two types of wood and plastic. How to Clean Up ?             Just very simple only using washer cleaning products and make sure thats tool no more dirt and than pay attention on the sidelines because sometimes ingredients still over there...


Hi There,           Hello everyone welcome back with me and as usual I will share my activities in the kitchen, especially the Pastry and Bakery Section or Patisserie and Bread Section, for those of you who have read my post about Table Breakfast in Practice Activity 3, Table Breakfast is the group that responsible for the Breakfast Menu and this is my second time from my group and I got a Table Breakfast turn, usually on Thursday but because there will be a 2018 Job Fair event held at the Hall I Wayan Bedhi Toursm Polytechnic of Makassar which will last for 2 days.           Our Breakfast Menu are Croissant, Danish, Berliner, Roti Abon, Cinnamon Roll, Spring Rolls and the Traditional Cake Menu are Cantik Manis, Doko - doko Cangkuning, and Cassava Apem, and the obligatory cake for each group is Whole Cake and this time my group makes Black Forest and White Forest as Whole Cake.       ...


Hi There,           Hallo semuanya kembali lagi dengan saya dan seperti biasanya saya akan menceritakan aktivitas saya di dapur khususnya bagian Pastry and Bakery Section atau bagian kue-kuan dan roti, buat kalian yang sudah baca postingan saya tentang Table Breakfast di Practice Activity 3, Table Breakfast yaitu kelompok yang bertanggung jawab atas Menu Breakfast dan merupakan kali kedua dari kemlompok saya mendapat giliran Table Breakfast, biasanya dilakukan pada hari Kamis tetapi karena akan adanya Acara Job Fair 2018 yang di laksanakan di Balairung I Wayan Bedhi Politeknik Pariwasata Makassar yang akan berlangsung selama 2 hari.           Menu Breakfast kami adalah Croissant, Danish, Berliner, Roti Abon, Cinnamon Roll, Lumpia dan menu tradisional Cantik Manis, Doko - doko Cangkuning, dan Apem Tape Singkong, dan yang kue wajib setiap kelompok adalah Whole Cake dan kali ini kelompok saya membuat Black Forest dan White Forest sebag...