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           A cordon bleu or schnitzel cordon bleu is a dish of meat wrapped around cheese (or with cheese filling), then breaded and pan-fried or deep-fried. Veal or pork cordon bleu is made of veal or pork pounded thin and wrapped around a slice of ham and a slice of cheese, breaded, and then pan fried or baked, For chicken cordon bleu chicken breast is used instead of veal. Ham cordon bleu is ham stuffed with mushrooms and cheese.
           The French term cordon bleu is translated as "blue ribbon". According to Larousse Gastronomique cordon bleu "was originally a wide blue ribbon worn by members of the highest order of knighthood, L'Ordre des chevaliers du Saint-Esprit, instituted by Henri III of France in 1578. By extension, the term has since been applied to food prepared to a very high standard and to outstanding cooks. The analogy no doubt arose from the similarity between the sash worn by the knights and the ribbons (generally blue) of a cook's apron.
           There are many variations of the recipe, all of which involve a cutlet, cheese, and meat. A popular way to prepare chicken cordon bleu is to butterfly cut a chicken breast, place a thin slice of ham inside, along with a thin slice of a soft, easily melted cheese such as Swiss. The chicken breast is then rolled into a roulade, coated in bread crumbs and then deep fried. Other variations exist with the chicken baked rather than fried. In largely Muslim-populated countries, the halal versions of chicken cordon bleu are also popular, such that the chicken is rolled around beef or mutton instead of pork product. 

           Surf and turf or surf 'n' turf is a main course which combines seafood and red meat. The seafood used may be lobster, prawns, or shrimp, which may be steamed, grilled or breaded and fried. When served with lobster, the lobster tail or a whole lobster may be served with the dish. The meat is typically beef steak, although others may be used. One standard combination is lobster tail and filet mignon.
           Surf and turf was often considered to symbolize the middle-class "Continental cuisine" of the 1960s and 1970s, with (frozen) lobster and steak as ersatz status foodstuffs for the middle class. The name has been reappropriated by more recent chefs such as Thomas Keller. A variation is the surf and turf burger, which is prepared with ground beef and various types of seafood such as lobster, shrimp or crab.


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Hello Guys,           Kali ini saya akan menceritakan aktivitas saya di dapur, dan pada kesempatan ini sedikit berbeda seperti  biasanya karena kali ini saya akan membuat Tape atau Tapai.           Tapai atau tape adalah kudapan yang dihasilkan dari proses fermentasi bahan pangan berkarbohidrat sebagai substrat oleh ragi. Di Indonesia dan negara-negara tetangganya, substrat ini biasanya umbi singkong dan beras ketan. Ragi untuk fermentasi tapai merupakan campuran beberapa mikroorganisme, terutama fungi (kapang dan jamur), seperti Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhizopus oryzae, Endomycopsis burtonii, Mucor sp., Candida utilis, Saccharomycopsis fibuligera, dan Pediococcus sp, namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan jenis lain juga terlibat. Tapai hasil fermentasi dengan ragi yang didominasi S. cerevisiae umumnya berbentuk semi-cair, lunak, berasa manis keasaman, mengandung alkohol, dan memiliki tekstur lengket. Produksi tapai biasanya dilakukan oleh industri kecil dan menengah. Jenis Tapai


FRENCH DRESSING SAUCE                  French dressing is a term originally used for any oil-and-vinegar-based salad dressing. Today, it refers to a creamy ketchup-based dressing which varies in color from pale orange to bright red. It can be made by blending olive oil, vinegar, tomato paste, ketchup, brown sugar, paprika, and salt. In the United States during the 1950s, manufactured "French dressing" was developed. The manufactured version is sweet in taste and colored orange-to-red from the use of paprika and tomatoes. In manufactured versions, "French dressing" is generally a pale orange and creamy, while "Catalina French dressing" is generally bright red and less creamy in nature.                   The term French dressing or Vinaigratte used in food processing is an unstable mixture or emulsion between oil, water and spices. French dressing, derivatives: a) English mustard b) French mustard c) Lemon dressing d) Miller dressin


Hi You,           I will tell you about my activities as usual in the kitchen and this time I will make one of the Traditional Cakes, Lapis Legit ( Spekkoek ), Lapis Legit is no stranger to Indonesians because there are many productions that make it easy to reach then the price is friendly in the mother's pocket , indirectly discussing Lapis Legit will definitely think of cakes that have many layers that have yellow color and each layer is brownish and tastes distinctive so on this occasion I will explain how to make this Traditional Cake.            Spekkoek (kue lapis legit or spekuk in Indonesian) is a type of Indonesian layer cake. It was developed during colonial times in the Dutch East Indies. The firm-textured cake is an Indo (Dutch-Indonesian) version of the European multi-layered spit cake. However it is not baked on a rotating spit, and contains a mix of Indonesian spices, such as cardamom, cinnamon, clove, mace and anise. The cake is made of flour and yolk