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Hey there welcome back on my blog
          So this time I would like to tell you about my activities on the job Trainee, I'm still in A'la Carte Section or Hot Section 'cause everything is Hot over there.
          This time I will tell you about how to make Garlic Bread, Garlic Bread also Garlic Toast consists of bread (usually a baguette or sour dough like a ciabatta), topped with garlic and olive oil or butter and may include additional herbs, like chives. It is then either grilled or broiled until toasted or baked in a conventional or bread oven.
          It is typically made using a French baguette, or sometimes a sourdough like ciabatta which is partially sliced downwards, allowing the condiments to soak into the loaf while keeping it in one piece. The bread is then stuffed through the cuts with oil and minced garlic before baking. Alternatively, butter and garlic powder are used, or the bread is cut lengthwise into separate slices which are individually garnished.

          The First is prepare all ingredients and tools we need, the ingredients are Soft Butter, Garlic, Parsley, and Baguette Bread. And slice the bread maybe 1 cm after that mix all ingredienton the bowl by chop Garlic, chop Parsley, and Soft Butter and than mix well.
            Take sit pan and stack the bread after that dab the dough was made in the middle and than bake the bread with 250 degrees celsius and 15-20 minutes.
         Sight the bread cook is Golden Brown and harded or easy to broken. after that let the bread is cold and keep that covered place or jar to make the bread still crips.
          After that let the bread is cold and keep that covered place or jar to make the bread still crips. Usually Garlic Bread for Condiment like kinds of Pasta Menu.
          The next avtivities is when I incharge in BBQ Night specially Silence Day or Nyepi,  Nyepi is a Balinese "Day of Silence" that is commemorated every Isakawarsa (Saka new year) according to the Balinese calendar (in 2018, it falls on March 17). It is a Hindu celebration mainly celebrated in Bali, Indonesia. Nyepi, a public holiday in Indonesia, is a day of silence, fasting and meditation for the Balinese. The day following Nyepi is also celebrated as New Year's Day. On this day, the youth of Bali in the village of Sesetan in South Bali practice the ceremony of Omed-omedan or 'The Kissing Ritual' to celebrate the new year. The same day celebrated in India as Ugadi.
          And I am trusted to prepare all BBQ Night speceally Silence Day like make kind of Sauce, Display, and Satays Bali. As we know Barbecue or barbeque (informally BBQ or barbie) is both a cooking method and an apparatus/machine. Barbecuing is done slowly over low, indirect heat and the food is flavored by the smoking process, while grilling, a related process, is generally done quickly over moderate-to-high direct heat that produces little smoke.
          Display or Garnish thats importand on the BBQ Night become part of zet menu thats make look perfect on the table with the atmosphere of Balinese.
         This kinds of sauce for Satay are Pickles, Mango Sauce, Dabu-dabu Sauce, Bajak Sauce, Soy Sweet Sauce, Mata Sauce, Chili Sauce, and Tomato Sauce. Because the atmosphere of Balinese Dabu-dabu Sauce and Mata Sauce is the origine sauce of Balinese.
         Kinds of Satays Bali such are Tuna Twist Satay, Snipper Twist Satay, Mackerel Twist Satay, Shrimp Twist Satay, Chicken Satay, Beef Satay, and Lamb Satay. Characteristic of Bali Satays is Twist Satay thats mean  satay mashed with other herbs and wrapped in a skewer.

          Each satay has its own taste and characteristic as well as the taste in want beside that have herbs dependent of materials or texture the ingredients.
          Well, this is my activities for this weeks and thaks for your attention and I hope you really enjoy with my blog this time and do not missing my another blog so see you in the next blog guys. Have a nice time.


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Hello Guys,           Kali ini saya akan menceritakan aktivitas saya di dapur, dan pada kesempatan ini sedikit berbeda seperti  biasanya karena kali ini saya akan membuat Tape atau Tapai.           Tapai atau tape adalah kudapan yang dihasilkan dari proses fermentasi bahan pangan berkarbohidrat sebagai substrat oleh ragi. Di Indonesia dan negara-negara tetangganya, substrat ini biasanya umbi singkong dan beras ketan. Ragi untuk fermentasi tapai merupakan campuran beberapa mikroorganisme, terutama fungi (kapang dan jamur), seperti Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhizopus oryzae, Endomycopsis burtonii, Mucor sp., Candida utilis, Saccharomycopsis fibuligera, dan Pediococcus sp, namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan jenis lain juga terlibat. Tapai hasil fermentasi dengan ragi yang didominasi S. cerevisiae umumnya berbentuk semi-cair, lunak, berasa manis keasaman, mengandung alkohol, dan memiliki tekstur lengket. Produksi tapai biasanya dilakukan oleh industri kecil dan menengah. Jenis Tapai


FRENCH DRESSING SAUCE                  French dressing is a term originally used for any oil-and-vinegar-based salad dressing. Today, it refers to a creamy ketchup-based dressing which varies in color from pale orange to bright red. It can be made by blending olive oil, vinegar, tomato paste, ketchup, brown sugar, paprika, and salt. In the United States during the 1950s, manufactured "French dressing" was developed. The manufactured version is sweet in taste and colored orange-to-red from the use of paprika and tomatoes. In manufactured versions, "French dressing" is generally a pale orange and creamy, while "Catalina French dressing" is generally bright red and less creamy in nature.                   The term French dressing or Vinaigratte used in food processing is an unstable mixture or emulsion between oil, water and spices. French dressing, derivatives: a) English mustard b) French mustard c) Lemon dressing d) Miller dressin


Hi You,           I will tell you about my activities as usual in the kitchen and this time I will make one of the Traditional Cakes, Lapis Legit ( Spekkoek ), Lapis Legit is no stranger to Indonesians because there are many productions that make it easy to reach then the price is friendly in the mother's pocket , indirectly discussing Lapis Legit will definitely think of cakes that have many layers that have yellow color and each layer is brownish and tastes distinctive so on this occasion I will explain how to make this Traditional Cake.            Spekkoek (kue lapis legit or spekuk in Indonesian) is a type of Indonesian layer cake. It was developed during colonial times in the Dutch East Indies. The firm-textured cake is an Indo (Dutch-Indonesian) version of the European multi-layered spit cake. However it is not baked on a rotating spit, and contains a mix of Indonesian spices, such as cardamom, cinnamon, clove, mace and anise. The cake is made of flour and yolk