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                   An electric water boiler, also called a thermo pot, is a consumer electronics small appliance used for boiling water and maintaining it at a constant temperature. It is typically used to provide an immediate source of hot water for making tea, hot chocolate, coffee, instant noodles, or baby formula, or for any other household use where clean hot water is required. They are a common component of Japanese kitchens and the kitchens of many East Asian countries but are found in varying use globally. Some thermo pots are designed with a feature that can purify water.
                   Black tea is typically steeped at 95 °C (203 °F) while green tea is steeped at under 80 °C (176 °F). A number of thermo pot models offer an adjustable target temperature.

How to Clean Up ?
                   Just to clean the inside by lamp with warm water and carefully for the machine.

                      A coffee percolator is a type of pot used for the brewing of coffee by continually cycling the boiling or nearly boiling brew through the grounds using gravity until the required strength is reached.
                     Coffee percolators once enjoyed great popularity but were supplanted in the early 1970s by automatic drip coffee makers. Percolators often expose the grounds to higher temperatures than other brewing methods, and may recirculate already brewed coffee through the beans. As a result, coffee brewed with a percolator is particularly susceptible to over-extraction. Percolation may remove some of the volatile compounds in the beans, resulting in a pleasant aroma during brewing, but a less flavoursome cup. However, percolator enthusiasts praise the percolator's hotter, more 'robust' coffee, and maintain that the potential pitfalls of this brewing method can be eliminated by careful control of the brewing process.

How to Clean Up ?
                     To keep the coffe maker clean to the inside, follow these steps as quoted from tipnut.
1. Fill the coffe maker tank with 6 cups of vinegar, then fill the top tank with water. Turn on the coffe maker as if you were going to make coffee. The tool will heat the vinegar and water will fill the pot coffe maker.
                     Note: the size of the vinegar is for a coffe maker that can serve 12 cups of coffee. Customize with your coffe maker.
2. When the pot is full, pour the hot vinegar mixture back in the tank and repeat the process once more.
3. Dispose of water marks and vinegar that has come out once more. Wash the pot coffe maker with soap as usual. Note that in the process there is no residual coffee on water and vinegar.
4. Put the clean water in the coffe maker tank and turn on the machine. The hot water will clean up the rest of the vinegar and remove it. Do this step twice.

                          An instant hot water dispenser or boiling water tap is an appliance that dispenses water at about 94 °C (201 °F) (near-boiling). There are hot-only and hot and cool water models, and the water may be filtered as well as heated. Instant hot water dispensers became popular in the 1970s. Instant hot water dispensers are very similar to portable shower devices; the latter is fitted with a heating element and quickly heats up water, once a switch has been activated.

How to Clean Up ?
                         Always check the keep water to make always clean and not growing mushrooms and than clean up by soap cleaner.


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