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                  A comal is a smooth, flat griddle typically used in Mexico and Central America to cook tortillas, toast spices, sear meat, and generally prepare food. Similar cookware is called a budare in South America. Some comals are concave and made of "barro" (clay). These are still made and used by the indigenous peoples of Mexico and Central America. Comals are similar to the American griddle or the Indian tava, and are often used and named interchangeably with these.
          Comals for home use are generally made from heavy cast iron, and sized to fit over either one burner on the stovetop (round) or two burners front to back (elongated oval). In many indigenous and Hispanic cultures, the comal is handed down from grandmother to mother to daughter, the idea being that a comal tempered over many years of usage will heat faster and cook cleaner.

                The history of such cooking methods dates back to the pre-Columbian era, when nixtamal maize tortillas were cooked on a comal over an open fire. Comales were also used to toast coffee and cacao beans. The word "comal" comes from the Aztec Nahuatl word comalli. Originally they were thin ceramic pieces, with slightly raised edges. They are found through the archaeology of Central America with the earliest examples dating to 700 BCE.

How to Clean Up ?
               Just using Soap Cleaner like we used at home and than keep that and dry before you keep.
                 A crepe maker is a cooking device used to make crepes, galettes, pancakes, blinis or tortillas. It should not be mistaken for a regular pan or a crepe pan.
                 Crepe makers were originally large cast-iron plates set over the fire to cook cereal-based batters. The machines have since evolved and the cast-iron plates were set on top of stainless steel frames. These first machines were electric machines, and later on, gas crepe griddles were developed as well. Although professional cast-iron crepe makers usually need to be seasoned, non-stick cast-iron griddles can now be commonly found on the market.
                 Crepe cooking machines are commonly referred to as crepe makers or crepe griddles. They are also known as billig, mainly in Brittany, France, where crêpes originate. Billig is a mutated form of the breton word pillig meaning "crepe maker".

How to Clean Up ?
                Wipe with a damp cloth soaked in warm water so that the young dirt is lifted.
                A food steamer or steam cooker is a small kitchen appliance used to cook or prepare various foods with steam heat by means of holding the food in a closed vessel reducing steam escape. This manner of cooking is called steaming.

                Food steamers have been used for centuries. The ancient Chinese used pottery steamers to cook food. Archaeological excavations have uncovered pottery cooking vessels known as yan steamers; a yan composed of two vessel, a zeng with perforated floor surmounted on a pot or caldron with a tripod base and a top cover. The earliest yan steamer dating from about 5000 BC was unearthed in the Banpo site. In the lower Yangzi River, zeng pots first appeared in the Hemudu culture (5000–4500 BC) and Liangzhu culture (3200–2000 BC) and used to steam rice; there are also yan steamers unearthed in several Liangzhu sites, including 3 found at the Chuodun and Luodun sites in southern Jiangsu. In the Longshan culture (3000–2000 BC) site at Tianwang in western Shandong, 3 large yan steamers were discovered.
                   Modern food steamers are based on the design of 'ICMIC Cooker' invented by Bengali polymath Indumadhab Mallick in 1910, who, in turn, got the idea from the Chinese steamers during his travels in Imperial China.

How to Clean Up ?
               The first separate that tools because we can separate between mechine and than clean up by soap cleaner and dry it.


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Hello Guys,           Kali ini saya akan menceritakan aktivitas saya di dapur, dan pada kesempatan ini sedikit berbeda seperti  biasanya karena kali ini saya akan membuat Tape atau Tapai.           Tapai atau tape adalah kudapan yang dihasilkan dari proses fermentasi bahan pangan berkarbohidrat sebagai substrat oleh ragi. Di Indonesia dan negara-negara tetangganya, substrat ini biasanya umbi singkong dan beras ketan. Ragi untuk fermentasi tapai merupakan campuran beberapa mikroorganisme, terutama fungi (kapang dan jamur), seperti Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Rhizopus oryzae, Endomycopsis burtonii, Mucor sp., Candida utilis, Saccharomycopsis fibuligera, dan Pediococcus sp, namun tidak tertutup kemungkinan jenis lain juga terlibat. Tapai hasil fermentasi dengan ragi yang didominasi S. cerevisiae umumnya berbentuk semi-cair, lunak, berasa manis keasaman, mengandung alkohol, dan memiliki tekstur lengket. Produksi tapai biasanya dilakukan oleh industri kecil dan menengah. Jenis Tapai


FRENCH DRESSING SAUCE                  French dressing is a term originally used for any oil-and-vinegar-based salad dressing. Today, it refers to a creamy ketchup-based dressing which varies in color from pale orange to bright red. It can be made by blending olive oil, vinegar, tomato paste, ketchup, brown sugar, paprika, and salt. In the United States during the 1950s, manufactured "French dressing" was developed. The manufactured version is sweet in taste and colored orange-to-red from the use of paprika and tomatoes. In manufactured versions, "French dressing" is generally a pale orange and creamy, while "Catalina French dressing" is generally bright red and less creamy in nature.                   The term French dressing or Vinaigratte used in food processing is an unstable mixture or emulsion between oil, water and spices. French dressing, derivatives: a) English mustard b) French mustard c) Lemon dressing d) Miller dressin


Hi You,           I will tell you about my activities as usual in the kitchen and this time I will make one of the Traditional Cakes, Lapis Legit ( Spekkoek ), Lapis Legit is no stranger to Indonesians because there are many productions that make it easy to reach then the price is friendly in the mother's pocket , indirectly discussing Lapis Legit will definitely think of cakes that have many layers that have yellow color and each layer is brownish and tastes distinctive so on this occasion I will explain how to make this Traditional Cake.            Spekkoek (kue lapis legit or spekuk in Indonesian) is a type of Indonesian layer cake. It was developed during colonial times in the Dutch East Indies. The firm-textured cake is an Indo (Dutch-Indonesian) version of the European multi-layered spit cake. However it is not baked on a rotating spit, and contains a mix of Indonesian spices, such as cardamom, cinnamon, clove, mace and anise. The cake is made of flour and yolk