Hi you.....
This time I would like to tell you about my activities, this is last day for Buffet Menu in this week with Indonesian Buffet. Menu Buffet Indonesian today is for the Appetizer are Paco Doang, Lawar Udang for the Soup are Kari Ayam, Labuh Kuning Bersantan for the Main Course are Nasi Putih, Rendang, Ikan Garo Rica fot the Dessert are Taripang and Putri Selat.
Actually me and my group get Soup but my friends say to me to cooking rice so thats why I handle by myself. Many people thinking that easy to cooking rice 'cause right know every people just to know used rice cooker but in Hotel or industry not used rice cooker, so every people must to know how to cook rice by steam method because when we cooking rice we have to knowledge for white rice or for fried rice or uduk rice and anymore. So let me too explain to you guys
First washing the rice until three time and after that soak for 20 minutes with water, beside that preapre to steam and boil water for watering later. After we soak 20 minutes and than steam until 20 minutes again and do not forget to stir one more time.
After that move the rice in the inside and flush the rice and mix well and than let it take a 5 minutes or 10 minutes less.
And than Steam again 20 minutes until cook well and do not forget to stir one more time to make every cook well, make sure the rice is cook and not mushy.
White Rice
Finally White Rice ready to served, actually very easy to make guys just try at home and do not forget to comment if you want ask me something about this menu guys.......
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